Jérôme Lejeune and the challenges of Bioethics in the 21st century

2024 Edition
Rome - Italy

Jérôme Lejeune and the challenges of Bioethics in the 21st century


Welcome and Inauguration

Ms. Solène Tadié, Europe Correspondent for the National Catholic Register, (EWTN). Budapest, Hungary.

Mr. Jean-Marie Le Méné, President, Jérôme Lejeune Foundation; Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Paris, France.

Prof. Dr. Mónica López Barahona, President, Jérôme Lejeune International Chair of Bioethics; Professor of Molecular Oncology, Centro de Estudios Biosanitarios (CEB); Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Madrid, Spain.

The scientific and moral legacy of Jérôme Lejeune

Chair: Prof. Dr. Marina Casini, President, European Federation for Life and Human Dignity ‘One of Us’.

Mr. Jean-Marie Le Méné, President, Jérôme Lejeune Foundation; Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Paris, France.

Special welcome by Bishop Robert Barron

Bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester (Minnesota) and Founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, United States of America

Preserving human nature. Natural law and the challenges of contemporary Bioethics

Chair: Prof. Dr. Rob A. Rombs, Dean and Director of the Due Sancti Campus, University of Dallas.

Prof. Dr. Orlando Carter Snead, Professor of Philosophy of Law, University of Notre Dame; Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Indiana, United States of America.

New frontiers of Biotechnology: Gene editing: the three-parent embryo and interspecies chimeras

Chair: Prof. Dr. Águeda Tejera, Director of the Degree in Genetics, Faculty of Experimental Sciences, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

Prof. Dr. Pilar Calva, Doctor of Medicine; Professor,Universidad de Anáhuac; Alumni of Professor Jérôme Lejeune; Former Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Anahuac, Mexico.

Prof. Dr. Maureen L. Condic, Professor of Neurobiology and Researcher, University of Utah; Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Utah, United States of America.

Prof. Dr. Miquel-Ángel Serra, Team Manager, Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS) and Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission. Ispra, Italy.

Genetically based intellectual disability: medical care and research 30 years later

Video testimony by: Ms. Domitília Antão, Mother of a child with Trisomy 21, patient of Professor Jérôme Lejeune. Portugal.

Chair: Mr. Mark Bradford, Fellow for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Word on Fire Institute.

Dr. Clotilde Mircher, Doctor in Genetic Medicine; Medical Director, Jérôme Lejeune Institute in Paris; Alumni of Pr. Jérôme Lejeune. Paris, France.Dr. 

Dr. Pilar García, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery; Medical Director, Jérôme Lejeune Institute in Madrid. Madrid, Spain.

Dr. Ignacio Sfaello, Doctor of Medicine; Medical Director, Jérôme Lejeune Institute in Cordoba. Cordoba, Argentina.

Medical ethics of prenatal diagnosis: pre-implantation diagnosis and non-invasive prenatal testing.

Prof. Dr. Mónica López Barahona, President, Jérôme Lejeune International Chair of Bioethics; Professor of Molecular Oncology, Centro de Estudios Biosanitarios (CEB); Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Madrid, Spain.

Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa di Pietro, Associate Professor of Legal Medicine, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma; Director, Centro Ricerca e Studi sulla Salute Procreativa. Roma, Italy.

Prof. Dr. Eiichi Momotani, Visiting Professor, Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Juntendo University; Former Professor (Human Health Care), Toto University; Director, Comparative Medical Research Institute Tsukuba-city; Secretary General, Down Syndrome International Information Japan. Tsukuba-city, Japan.

Prof. Dr. Danielle Moyse, Doctor of Philosophy, Université Paris-Sorbonne; Associated Researcher, Institut de Recherches Interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux sociaux (IRIS). Paris, France

Transhumanism and the new forms of Eugenics.

Chair: Fr. Apollinaire Cibaka Cikongo, Provost, Université Officielle de Mbuji-Mayi.

Prof. Dr. Elena Postigo, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Bioethics, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria; Academic Director, International Chair of Bioethics Jérôme Lejeune, Spanish section; Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Madrid, Spain.

The ethics of the good death: ethical criteria at the end of human life, neonatal reanimation and euthanasia, neonatal palliative care.

Video testimony by: Ms. Claire and Mr. Dean Gregory, Indi Gregory’s parents. Ilkeston, Derbyshire, United Kingdom.

Chair: Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Noia, Director, UOC Hospice Perinatale, Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli.

Prof. Dr. Paulina Taboada, Doctor of Medicine and of Philosophy; Professor of Bioethics and Director of Centre of Bioethics, Universidad Católica de Chile; Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Santiago de Chile, Chile.

Prof. Dr. Carlo Bellieni, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatrician Neonatologist, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Senese, Università di Siena. Siena, Italy.

Prof. Dr. William Sullivan, Doctor of Philosophy; Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto; Senior Research Scholar of Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University; Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Washington D.C., United States.

New frontiers in Neuroscience and Neuroethics.

Chair: Prof. Dr. James A. Peliska, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, University of Mary.

Prof. Dr. F. Alberto Carrara, LC, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Coordinator of the Neurobioethics Group, Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum; Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Rome, Italy.

Medical ethics of artificial procreation techniques: IFV, surrogacy and artificial wombs. How to answer the suffering that results from infertility?

Chair: Dr. Giuseppe Grande, General Secretary, Movimento per la Vita.

Prof. Dr. Francisco Güell, Doctor of Philosophy; Professor, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Navarra; Principal Researcher, European H2020 Project “B2-InF: be better informed about fertility”. Pamplona, Spain.

Ms. Jennifer Lahl, Pediatric Critical Care Nurse; Founder of the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network. California, United States of America.

Prof. Dr. Sagrario Crespo, Doctor of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor of Bioethics and Researcher, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Madrid, Spain.

Prof. Dr. Jane Wathuta, Director, Institute for Family Studies and Ethics (IFS), Strathmore University; Advocate of the High Court of Kenya; Member of the National Scientific and Ethics Committee (NSEC). Nairobi, Kenya.

Prof. Dr. Aude Mirkovic, Full Professor (HDR) of Private Law; Université de Paris-Saclay; Legal Director, Juristes pour l’Enfance. Paris, France.

Gender dysphoria in minors: an ethical issue?.

Chair: Prof. Dr. Sagrario Crespo, Professor of Bioethics and Researcher, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Sapin, Professor of Pediatric and Neonatal Surgery and Head of the Pediatric and Neonatal Surgery Department, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire CHU de Dijon; Dijon, France.

Dr. Alfonso Oliva, MD, FACS, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon; Treasurer, United States Catholic Medical Association. Spokane, Washington, United States of America.

Prof. Tasio Pérez, Professor of Psychology and Bioethics, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Madrid, Spain.

Dr. Mary R. Hasson, Kate O’Beirne Senior Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC); Founder and Director, Person and Identity Project. Washington D.C., United States of America.

The historical significance of Jérôme Lejeune.

Chair: Prof. Dr. Paolo Arullani, Honorary President, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma.

Mr. Alberto Michelini, Journalist and former Member of the European Parliament for Italy. Rome, Italy.

Mrs. Aude Dugast, Delegate General, Association des Amis du Pr. Jérôme Lejeune. Postulator of the Cause of Canonization of Jérôme Lejeune. Paris, France.

St. John Paul II and Jérôme Lejeune: Two Lives at the Service of Life.

 Chair: Mr. Pablo Siegrist, General Manager, Fundación Jérôme Lejeune España.

Mr. George Weigel, Author; Political analyst; Distinguished Senior Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC). Washington D.C., United States of America.


Chair: Prof. Dr. Mónica López Barahona, President, International Chair of Bioethics Jérôme Lejeune.
